Thursday 24 January 2013

Thirty-seven-degree Thursday!

Days like this, I can only smile!!

Today I got to carry out my New Years resolution (remember what it was? hint: to work on my tan! okay that wasn't a hint so much as just telling you outright!). And it's always a good feeling to stick to our New Years resolutions, don't you think? ** smile **

Before my little trek to the Albert Park beachside, I met BFF to try out a new coffee place on the main drag of Albert Park. We initially just wanted coffee at The Petty Officer, but the staff were so damn polite, attentive and friendly (** smile **) that we made full use of the umbrella-ed street seating and the gentle, cooling sea breeze (** smile **), and settled in for coffees and snacks. The fresh muffins had sold out by midday so I chose a pistachio and strawberry friand instead. A tough choice with all the delectable looking treats by the counter! To say nothing of their breakfast and lunch menu! If not for laying on the beach in bikini I would most definitely have tucked into any of the delicious and wholesome offerings on the menu. ** smile **

naaaaw.. with love from the petty officer..
Two hours of hiding under the umbrella with my legs poking out to catch the sun (** smile **), and BFF and I parted ways so I could enact a sun-sacrifice for the afternoon whilst reading my autobiographical novel on polygyny (** smile **).. (Mormons.. Salt Lake City.. that kinda unsexy, God-sanctioned polygyny).

the petty officer.. looking inside from my cosy kerbside vantage point 'neath big umbrella
On my return from the beach, I bumped into my baby niece (** smile!!**)!!!

Darlings you might not think that's anything extraordinary, but I have not seen this baby since she was just a few days old! Her father (my brother) and I have not spoken since he didn't even let me know she'd been born!

So to see her today, with her nanny, was a real treat!! She was a solid babe, chubby thighs, little curling blonde hair and just four tiny teeth. I spent as long as I could with her, squeezing her chubby little body until she grunted and pushed me away, indignant. She certainly had personality!

** SMILE **

Her nanny took a bunch of cheesy pics of me cuddling and squishing my niece, then we promptly head to the famous Jock's Ice Creamery for awesome amazing homemade ice cream.

But not for me, no.
Because tomorrow is another hot day!
And a hot day means beach!
And beach equals bikini.

** SMILE **

So I'll hold off on eating too many delicious things. 
At least until the winter clouds roll in.

For now, I'll just continue to enjoy and to ** SMILE **

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