Sunday 13 January 2013

Carlton Hotel

The Carlton Hotel. A misnomer by name as it is located in the CBD, but an easy favourite for the past few years thanks to the solid drinks list and reliable bar food menu. Add to this, the generous deck and velvet flocked ceiling and you're in Rio-cocaine-den heaven. Not that I'm a cocaine advocate by any means at all, but the velvet seating, private booths and opulent shady atmosphered does lend itself to another world from Bourke St below. The taxidermied ostrich and giraffe head are just the cherry on the cocaine cake.

Carlton Hotel Bourke St velvet finery
Carlton Hotel - cornices and light fittings flocked in velvet, of course!
From Carlton Hotel a casual stroll up Swanston St to Mekong for Vietnamese rice noodles (aka pho). I had the grilled chicken rice noodle soup and added in the extras (chilli, vietnamese mint, bean shoots and a squeeze of lemon) to my taste.
My date had the rice noodle with grilled chicken and spring rolls - a dry dish with no soup but all the taste of amazing vietnam in a bowl! Top it off with two bottles of Tiger beer, and we verily wobbled out of there, filled to the brim with a lot of leftover left behind, for less than $10 per bowl.
Char-grilled chicken soup and rice noodle with spring rolls - yummmy!

our table companions, argentinian sisters in their 70s, best of friends and eating vietnamese

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