Wednesday 23 January 2013

Holy Twirlin' Taters, Batman!

Wednesday was the perfect day.

You want to know why, darlings? Well, I'm going to have to tell you cos if I don't, this will be a very brief blog!

Wednesday.. lets see, where to start..

Lets go in chronological order (which I hope means 'as things happened..' !)

So número one-oh.. it was sunny (I know I go on about it ALL. THE. TIME. But I live in Melbourne! A clear sky is an event in itself!)

Onto número duo.. I was invited to coffee by the man I'm going to marry.. (this may come as a surprise to you darlings, certainly I did surprise myself.. ). He then sent me a couple of follow up text messages which BFF and I deconstructed, over-analysed and read way too much into.. (you know, just to relish the happy 'crush' feeling..)

And número trio.. another Wednesday evening at the halcyon Suzuki Night Market held each summer at the illustrious Queen Victoria Market.. not just hanging out in the last of the days bountiful sunshine, not just drinking sangria.. but for the twirly potato on a stick!

Suzuki Night Market.. don't worry, night was a'comin'..

BFF and I became absolutely mesmerized by the popularity of a twirly potato on a stick! We calculated that they were selling an average of 200/hr of those impressive lookin' babies. And at $6 a pop.. well, you do the math.. upward of $5500 for an evenings work.

$18 worth of potato right there! or $3/kg at your local coles..
So while we're innovatively and creatively trying to fill our lives with meaningful and productive work.. no, to appeal to the masses it seems all you need is a deep fryer and chicken salt. Simple as that!

It takes the KISS approach into undignifying territory.. Where's the 'Idiots Guide to..' dealing with that!!?

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