Thursday 3 January 2013


She was a little scorcher today, wasn't she!!? Hot heat radiating off buildings and a slap your face hot dry wind providing no relief.

dockland boats in berth
Okay I exaggerate, the wind did dry the embarrassing sweat line down the bum crack of my shorts. And I did get another little go at accentuating my tan.

Which leads me to today's topic.

Many moons ago when I was first divorced (amicably, and we are still friends, just so you know) to keep myself focused on short term goals, I decided upon establishing seasonal projects for myself.

The first summer was 'red wine and cigars'. I developed a love for the heavy red of Tempranillo, the easiness of saying 'cab sav' and chose to ignore my red wine stained teeth. All went well except for the cigar part, where I'd have an overwhelming need to throw up each time I so much as had a puff. Big spend on red wine.. not so much on cigars.. In fact, i think I still have the one I started that summer.

As spring follows winter, so with autumn came 'quit smoking season', coincidentally the same as 'craft season', where I made at least a thousand hand stitched felt animals to keep itchy fingers busy, resplendent with hand stitched facial expressions, button eyes and tiny clothes. Most have left the house with school friends and other visitors, I hope to serve as an inspiration for other people trying to conquer their demons or overcome adversity.

Winter of course brought with it soup making season and cosy soup dinner parties where I'd showcase my latest efforts with crusty bread, red wine and cigarettes. (oops, and back to the felt animals I went.. fast forward, eight revisits and now I can safely securely and confidently say I'm a non-smoker ).

To summer 2013.. to continue my tradition of defining the seasons, and in line with summer, I have officially dedicated this summer (and my new year resolution) to working on my tan.

working on my tan.. it's a tough job but someone has to do it!
In addition, to anyone who has seen me lately, you'll see my hair is starting to streak blonde. Now there's dedication! I haven't had sun streaked hair since I was a child!

Gosh I hope my nose freckles don't come back too!

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