Wednesday 9 January 2013


I thought I'd give meditation a go.
I've never meditated before in my life, not even once. I mean, I've done the relaxation exercise after yoga practice, but that is an exercise structured more to relax and wind down than to clear the mind and send out the love vibes!
So last Thursday, while Melbourne languished in 40C ot breath-like heat, I trotted along to Federation Square for a big ol' group meditation class.
It was suprisingly popular with hundreds of people showing up despite the wilting heat. Many Buddhists with shaved heads and exuberant joy emanating from their shining faces. I looked on dubiously, wondering how they could just be so happy.
A short introduction then the mediation began. Amazingly, the quiet peace of the Buddhist nun leading the meditation permeated through the vast open space, in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Melbourne at 7pm on Thursday evening. First we were told to think of those things that worry us, cause us distress, heartache or anxiety. Those things that keep us awake at night, that make our hearts palpitate, that cause us to sweat. 
Bring those things to the forefront of your mind. And then, breathe them out. Breathe out those worries, those pains/anxieties/hurts/anger. That heartache. Let myself feel the heartache. And then breathe it out. Let it out and imagine, my heartache, turning into black smoke as I breathe it out. Black smoke that blends with the surrounding air and disappears into nothing.
As I listened to the nun's voice, with eyes closed, I became acutely aware of that heartache I had for the man I love that stopped loving me. Lungfulls of heartache poured from my heart like a bubbling brooke, to be breathed out in long breaths, my lung capacity barely enough to exhale all the ache. As tears attempted to prick my eyes, my breathing became more forceful. Black smoke out to disappear into the universe, to become nothing.
Then, onto our inhalations. Imagine breathing in pure white light. White light with filaments goodness like peace and healing and forgiveness and love, like so many good sprinkles on a spiritual cupcake.
I succumbed to the pain of black smoke and filled my lungs with white light. I couldn't fathom being so hurt for so long by someone who didn't even love me. But who was I to question. I just needed to confront my hurt and move on.
I didn't find the exuberant joy of the Buddhists. But I'm guessing it took them some practice to find such unfettered happiness through love.
Meditation also held each Tuesday lunchtime at Fed Square

Continuing on the theme thus far this year, of finding distraction and positive fun in my everyday, I must share my own personal chuffed-ness at these little blenders. The dark side of me thought them particularly humourous and I'm sure I'll be reaching for one of these the next flight I'm on where I'm lulled to sleep to the sound of screaming babies. Oh come on, I'm not the only one who thinks it! Can QANTAS please offer these to passengers with every ticket purchase, instead of earphones? Cos those earphones, they just don't cut it..

the baby bullet - yes please!

This particular beauty is displayed in my local Lush store window! Needless to say, I know it's me, but lets allow my reputation to remain a secret. Sssh!

i'd like to thank the academy..

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