Monday 7 January 2013

Summer day!

Another day blessed with the perfect climate!

I slept-in a little, relishing being alone in my king sized 1000TC egyptian cotton bed, to stretch my toes and fingers out, all the pillows to hug and lie amongst. Fears of a hangover were smoothly discarded as I leapt out of bed and onto the nearest beach! Port Melbourne here I come!

last night's cocktail haze but no hangover thanks to pacing myself! yeay me :D

Beach volleyball games were happening along the beach, drawing a buzzing crowd from the boardwalk. As I do always like to be in amongst it, I pulled up a towel on the sea side of the nets and set about fulfilling my resolution to be gainfully tanned, alternately reading and relaxing to the sounds of grunts and cheers of nearby games.

volleyball games on port melbourne beach

Too soon, my peace was disturbed by the two body builders and a Barbie-doll setting up towels beside mine. While the couple embraced, the longer hair guy intruded into my blissful reading to start conversation. I made it hard for him, continuing to read my book in between questions and even tending to text messages while he attempted to converse.

Admittedly he was a very good looking guy - clear olive skin, dark hair and clear blue/green eyes. His sculpted body modestly dressed in a pair of shorts. He knew he was hot. But I knew he was young. So I decided to play with him. The poor boy desperately wanted my phone number but I was just not going to give it to him. Not with 206 unanswered (and counting) messages in my Plenty of Fish inbox. At last he gave me his number and asked me out for a drink. I said I don't drink alcohol which I actually kept a straight face stating. And in my own time, I left the beach for home.

He was 27 years old. I recognised the desperate puppy dog look on his face. The unfathomable degree of longing for someone. 
Although I flirted with and teased him, I was kind.
Although he amused me, I left the beach alone.

Sometimes, no matter how much joy I recognise and bring into my life, no matter how many distractions I pursue, I feel despondent and weary.

My skin at least, looks goooood.

the tan coming along just fine!


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