Tuesday 9 April 2013


I said it like 'TuuuuuesDAY!. Like all accusing like I mean it!

On Tuesday I ate a choc chip cookie and a lamington for breakfast.
On Tuesday I got cramps and FML..
On Tuesday my cat got himself stuck in the printer as my business name registration was printing..

And on Tuesday, I bent over to pick up a comb from the bathroom floor and massively bum-butted the narrow edge of the bathroom door. Like, square on, so it didn't swing shut or open, it just totally held its ground while my arse cheeks went 'bloooaaaaahhhhhh' in all their shuddering glory, against it.

Instead of storming off to bed with my hair undone, I sucked it in, glamourised my hair straight n shiny, shoved on a kickass pair of high heeled boots and as soon as the naprogesic kicks in, I'll be struttin' the streets of Melbourne.

Cos on Tuesday, I'm going to have Pancake Parlour pancakes for lunch!!

Yummmmmm :)

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