Tuesday 30 April 2013

Aw Myki you're so fine!

Okay okay let me confess a couple misnomers.

In the first place, Myki - Melbourne's new-tangled state-of-the-art, you-beaut, straight-to-the-pool-room ticketing system for public transport.. well, it's not all that fine.

As you get on or into your chosen mode of public transportation, despite what the signs say, you HOLD not touch, your card, to the bright yellow box and wait for the 'bip!' to let you know you've paid. If you're quick, you'll see your remaining balance on the teeny screen.

Whatever you do, don't hold it there again because the machine is quite liable to just charge you again. I know I know, Public Transport Victoria (PTV) say this doesn't happen, but after I managed to burn through over $20 from two zone 1 travels, well, you can imagine how dubious I am about the electronic charging system.

Also, in relation to the fine-ness or thereabouts of the Myki.. according to my post title, based on the original track sung by Toni Basil, she sings about a boy called Micky. Like Mikki. Like Mickie. Not Mikey - like Mike with a drawn out eeeee, which is what the tickets are called.

Not sure why. And to be truthful, at the moment I'm not all that interested in finding out! But if any of you, dear readers, would like to find out and give me the summary dot point, that would be totally ace!

In fact, while you're at it, perhaps you could let me know how Myki charges fares of its unsuspecting customers. I find myself burning through wads of cash to keep up with keeping the Princess Myki. It has made me consider expending the considerable wealth I've put into Myki, on a luxury European car to carry the Princess around in because I think it would cost me less!

It seems that every time I touch on, I am charged for my last fare. It also seems that, as the ads say there's no need to touch off, that when I do touch on, my Myki assumes that I've been travelling since the last time it touched.

See all the happy PTV customers!? You can see how maintaining the Princess Myki is costly!

It's strange, pampering and pandering to Princess Myki. I always hoped I'd be the one darling Princess in any given relationship. Instead, it seems I'm the schmuck!!

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