Friday 1 March 2013

White Night Melbourne!

Oh what a night!

The city positively lit up, opened up and turned it on!

My lane way was transformed into a light spectacular! But I wasn't home to see it!
From 7pm to 7am Melbourne did provide! Roving performers, light displays and a feast of spectacles to please every appetite!

Flinders St Station light up and provided a stage for bands. All. Night. Long!
Flinders St Station steps was turned into a stage where bands performed all night long! I had the joygasmic pleasure of seeing Cat Empire perform an awesome hour long set atop those stairs at 2am. The band, complete with fiesty back up dancing girls, grooved through many of the ol faves as well as a few tunes from their new about to be released album!

Awesome photo I know.. this is the Cat Empire performing out front of Flinders St Station.. as if I had to tell you.

Across the crowd, Fed Sq was packed with revellers enjoying a feast of light and sound that continued up way Swanston St and down St Kilda Rd where patrons spilled out of the wonderful world of the Spiegeltent.

Everywhere, building facades were transformed into dynamic and oftentimes mesmerizing displays of colour and whimsy that held whole populations rapt.

Best of all, as I strolled home content and just tired enough with my houseguest, everywhere we went, everyone we passed, was smiling and relaxed. Despite the lateness of the hour, despite the consumption of alcohol, there was no aggressive or violent behaviour to be seen! 

As my houseguest had just landed in Melbourne that afternoon, it was quite the welcome for him! One I proudly showed him with as vibrant enthusiasm as my beautiful city! She fluttered her eyelashes over bare shoulder and she had us in awe!

Oh Melbourne! Thank you for an awesome amazing fantastical night.. and morning.. ;)

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