Wednesday 6 February 2013

SuperBowl Sunday (on Monday!)

I know I'm a few days late but I had to share my very first SuperBowl experience with y'all!

Firstly, I was supposed to hit The Precinct in Richmond by 10am but my American girl had to go to work at the last minute! So instead, I joined the crowds at Fed Square to watch the game on the big screen.

Any thought I had of being able to understand the game by watching it went out the window in the first 10 seconds!

For a start, I couldn't understand a thing! Secondly, I had no idea what was going on!

But armed with my breakfast chocolate, bottle of Coke and my biography on polygamy (polygyny to be specific) I stuck around for four hours while men in tights did 4 seconds of play and the spectators sat through 40 minutes of television commercials..

A slightly frustrating stop-start game to too off my cluelessness about the rules.

Also frustrating, when people walk around with their big heads wedged firmly up their ass with absolutely no idea that other people exist. I can understand that the Melbourne CBD, like all capital cities,must have a perception to some as being completely devoid of other people.

So it should not have been a surprise when, on two separate occasions, a group of people exiting a nearby restaurant, would stand in front of me, to have a lengthy chat. Not once did any of the parties think to turn around and consider the people whose views of the big screen, they were blocking.

Sooo I did what any good natured brat would do. I packed up my breakfast (my chocolate bar became leftovers for lunch - yewww!) and casually strolled over to stand right in front of them.

Sure they probably didn't care or even notice for that matter. But boy did I feel awesomely empowered for doing it!

That's me folks, taking the power back ;)

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