Sunday 3 February 2013

St Kilda Festival

Aaaah Melbourne! Sometimes you are heaven on earth!

The scheduled 22C day turned into a gorgeous sun-filled clear sky day! As I am wont to do, I grabbed a cardigan and left off the sunscreen and as I type this, am enveloped in the warm glow of a slight sunburn. Yeeeeahhh :D

'italian lezzo' on fitzroy st
Initially I was drawn to the promise of the awesome food of Bala's Indian-Thai tasty spicy fusion in St Kilda but upon arriving, found the entire area dedicated to the colorful festivities of a Pride Parade.

the irish guy and the french guy.. aka hairy and spotty..
some of the colour of the esplanade of st kilda

I'm not a sheltered young thing by any means, but the sights of Fitzroy St, at times, had my mouth agape. Stunningly beautiful drag queens dressed to the nines, big lesbian girls in midriff t-shirts and short shorts, and everywhere, the colorful smiles of acceptance.

St Kilda, sometimes you actually do impress me.

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