Tuesday 12 February 2013

On Love.. hahahaha!

Online dating has become something akin to Facebook!

A few short years ago it was something spoken about in hushed tones, unfamiliar to many and an avant garde way to meet people.

But that perception was truly blown out of the water for me this past weekend. At a girls night out, the 8 of us dressed casually elegant and dining in a hip Richmond eating restaurant (Daniel Jackson (go tiges!) was there, he'll vouch for my good behavior) openly discussed our respective online dating profiles. Out came the phones to show and compare photos of the unlikely matches with hopeful/delusional men of all shapes and sizes..

Most of them short.
Most of them, um, portly.
And so many grey balding heads it's like swimming with dophins!

this little guy is an exception.. he says he's 24 but he actually meant to be clever and say 2 TIMES 4 (= 8 years old)

The girls at dinner that didn't know me so well were surprised to see my age, stating they didn't think I was that old (this was the highlight of my night because as you know, I'd already reduced my age to circumvent the hate-mail from bitchy guys claiming I was putting up old photos of myself! assholes..)  

oh come oooon!! we can get a man on the moon but we can't take a clear photo with our freakin' self-focussing camera!! you know what would be 'magic' mike? FOCUS!!
 And while I meet enough people in my day to day life, it's great to extend the circles sometimes, to meet people and go places i wouldn't ordinarily go. Afterall, life is all about experiences and experincING! Since being online, my life reads a little like a SpotWhat book: A marine, a Blue Mountains hike til I'm pooped, Philip Island by m'bike and Chin Chin food til I'm stoofed!

Okay, maybe poetry isn't my forte..

And yeah, you do meet people you may not want within 10-inches of you (or like I say to my friends 'i wouldn't touch him with yours') there's not one time on a date that i've felt unsafe or so unhappy that i've had to make up an excuse to leave. And reaslistically, if I was serious about finding a partner to settle down, move to the 'burbs, have children and a big mortgage with.. well, i'd get gran to find me a good ethnic boy.

does michelle obama know her husband is living in melbourne??

This life is young and I'm not ready to settle. I get more attention than i know what to do with and it's fine.

Besides, if i hooked up with a partner, who would keep my BFF company!??

and then there's this guy.. speaking of people and places.. this is an example of somewhere i DON'T want to go..

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