Saturday, 1 June 2013

stormy saturday ramble

Some wiley weekend weather in Melbourne.

A gorgeous thunderstorm hit the CBD around 9.30pm last night, following freezing cold torrential rain. From the snugness of my couch, I could hear the thunder claps - boy were they loud! The girls out for a night in the CBD let scream following some of the unearthly cracks, testament to how unnervingly loud the storm was.

Once the storm passed, the drenching rain. I felt as though I were asleep in warm heavenly clouds listening to the soothing trickle of rain outside my bedroom window. And not a drunken expletive to be heard!

Tonight I find myself once again on the couch, tonight nursing a sore throat with manuka honey and hot lemon while watching That 70s Show! The city is quiet, too cold and wet and well, if I can just be frank, plain old miserable to be out! If I were a younger gal, I'd probably still be getting dressed to the nines (read: skimpiest wear possible) to shelter in a cool club til the early hours. What am I saying? I did that just a few weeks ago.. ?

As I work through my DVDs and google 'photoshop tips and tricks', I reflect on my life to date. This blog in some ways, works as a way to mark time for me. Recall I started this blog as a way of dealing with a very sad break up late last year. I still feel occasionally sad about the loss, in fact, disproportionately sad about it, given the few months we had together.

But here I am, surviving and shit. Better than surviving! I quit my shitty job that I hated and started my own business doing something I love! Despite the erratic income and working hours, I walk the street smiling like I have not done in such a long time! Feeling happy! Really happy! I think this is what comes with not just surviving, but thriving!

And no, it's not about money or material things. It really is about feeding the soul with those things we love - working with good people and being with close friends; sleeping with my soft purring kitty and baking treats; sharing drinks and nibbles with neighbours at odd hours and always getting excellent feedback on my photographic work.

Everyday I 100% make my own decisions for my own life. On the streets and on trams and trains, I no longer feel creepy about approaching interesting people to ask if I may photograph them in my studio. I accept (and sometimes I refuse) bookings for shoots. I catch up for coffee with who I want, whenever I want. It is wonderful to finally be establishing my own place in the world without being told who to do it with and how and when.. I strongly recommend everyone do it!

I spoke to my friend today and she told me she is lonely for a man to settle with. I am finally in a space in my life where I can smile understandingly but not feel that way myself.

This sea eagle is not ready to settle! There are still so many horizons to explore!

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